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Film Projects

At Pixel Mill Studios, we take pride in our award-winning documentary and narrative film work. Our passion for storytelling drives us to create compelling visuals that resonate with audiences. Join us on this journey as we bring powerful stories to life through the art of film.

Trailer: Frozen Dead Guy Days

SEMI-FINALIST - Tokyo Shorts - 2024.png
Boulder International Film Festival

An award-winning short documentary of the quirky annual mountain festival.

Trailer: The Sink 100 Years: The Rest[aurant] is History

Boulder International Film Festival

A short documentary celebrating the legendary one hundred year anniversary of The Sink restaurant.

Trailer: The Basket Lady

Laurel Color.png
OFFICIAL SELECTION - International Media Arts Film Awards - 2024.png

An award-winning short narrative film about a traditional Ute legend made with an all-Ute cast.

The Bear Dance


 An award-winning short documentary illustrating the story of a traditional Ute dance.

The Decision


An award-winning short narrative film that asks the question: If you could go back and change one decision you made, what would you do?

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