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Advocacy  Videos

An advocacy video is designed to raise awareness and promote support for a particular social, political, or environmental issue by presenting facts, personal stories, or calls to action. Its goal is to persuade viewers to take a stance, change their behavior, or engage in efforts to address the issue being highlighted.

The Hill Redevelopment Campaign

We were hired to create an advocacy video to help support the need for change in the Hill neighborhood, specifically the construction of two new hotels that would substantially benefit the Hill's economy and small businesses.

Western Resource Advocates | Life is Better With Water

WRA hired us to create a short video illustrating the importance of water, and, using humor, why water is usually taken for granted.

Democratizing Justice | Police Unions

Pixel Mill was hired to illustrate exactly what police unions are, how they got started, and how they work now.

CU South | Floodplain Development

After the horrific flooding in Boulder in 2013, the citizens and local government were at odds with what to do to prevent the next eventual flood. We were hired to create this video to advocate for one of those positions.

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